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Educational resource in oncology and nuclear medicine, essential for medical professionals.

A Comprehensive Resource for Therapeutic and Diagnostic Tools Across Diverse Fields

Here you can find information and resources on THERApeutic and diagNOSTIC tools (THERANOSTICS) and their broad applications in many fields, from nuclear medicine to oncology.

The materials are intended for educational purposes only.

A hero section image showcasing the importance of targeted therapies in managing neuroendocrine tumors.

Highlights of ENETS 2024

Please register to receive updates regarding the ENETS Congress 2024 report, the webcast from the ITM satellite symposium, and interviews with the experts.

Our aim

Enable healthcare professionals to explore the science behind targeted radio-diagnostic and radio-therapeutic agents and help you keep up-to-date with the latest developments of their use in oncology.

Library of posters, slide kits, and webcasts by theranostics experts.

Medical Information Library

Check out our library section for the latest posters, slide kits from recent congresses and webcasts presented by international experts in THERANOSTICS.