Highlights of ENETS 2024
Please register to receive updates regarding the ENETS Congress 2024 report, the webcast from the ITM satellite symposium, and interviews with the experts.
Our aim
Theranostics represents a concept in personalized medicine wherein the same or similar targeting molecules are used both for diagnostics and therapeutics.
Radiopharmaceuticals, also called radiodiagnostic agents, are coupled with either gamma or positron emitters for imaging.
Mode of action
Learn more about the mode of action of radiopharmaceuticals, which can be used to diagnose or treat tumors expressing specific receptors on their surface.
Find information about congresses and events relevant to nuclear medicine and clinical oncology research.
Neuroendocrine system
The neuroendocrine system is composed of specialized cells, which combine the properties of neuronal and endocrine cells.
GastroEnteroPancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (GEP-NETs) include tumors with well-differentiated cells arising from the GI tract and pancreas neuroendocrine systems.

Medical Information Library
Check out our library section for the latest posters, slide kits from recent congresses and webcasts presented by international experts in THERANOSTICS.